I would like each member of a society to ask their governing body to send out a simple demographic survey to all its members to gather these data anonymously. The survey below is crude and oversimplified and based on the one from the National Science Foundation, but it is better than nothing. Keeping this anonymous ensures that no members should feel uncomfortable revealing this information. The results of the survey should be presented as simple pie charts of the metadata presented on a groups public website.
So why do this survey? For starters you can learn how well your society is doing recruiting and retaining a diverse membership? You won't know without a baseline survey. Doing the survey annually will tell you if you have a problem with retention and recruiting. It can help you improve your groups diversity. Does your society have few female members - have you thought about having more female members as part of the governing body, balancing the gender ratio of invited speakers, and perhaps having some parental care options for young parents attending your conferences? Does your society have few African Americans - have you thought of sending some members to recruit and visit at HBCUs?
I hope that every scientific society starts keeping track of this kind of information. We can compare across groups that way. Those comparisons will help us know if there is a general problem across academic societies, or if it is just an issue in some sub-disciplines.
As the Chair of Diversity Committee in my college I know we try to get a diverse pool of candidates to apply to open positions in my university. Part of the way we do that is by contacting groups with a diverse membership. If your scientific society lacks a diverse membership, you won't be helping with our goal. A simple survey like the one below can help you identify potential issues and help you begin the process of trying to solve them.
Please try to convince your academic societies that this survey of membership demographics is important.
send out an email to members and then send out an anonymous survey monkey questionnaire.
Dear XXXX Members,
We want to collect diversity data
from our membership. You will get an invitation to participate in a
survey monkey questionaire from zzz@yyy.com
Please complete the survey by xx/xx/xx.
As a society we want to be aware of our ability to recruit a diverse
group of scholars from different backgrounds, this survey will help us better
understand how well we reflect the general population and compare to other
scientific and academic societies and organizations. Please help by
taking a few minutes to fill out this survey.
ETHNICITY (choose one)
_____Hispanic or Latino
_____Not Hispanic or Latino
_____Do not wish to Provide
RACE (choose one or more)
_____American Indian or Alaskan
_____Black or African Amerian
_____Native Hawaiian or Other
Pacific Islanders
_____Other (describe)
_____Do not wish to Provide
DIABILITY (choose one or more)
_____Hearing Impairment
_____Visual Impairment
_____Other (describe)
_____Do not wish to Provide
GENDER IDENTITY(choose one or more)*
_____Other (describe)
_____Do not wish to provide
And then adding
SEXUAL ORIENTATION (choose one or more)*
_____Other (describe)
_____Do not wish to provide
*UPDATED - thanks to Jeremy Yoder (@JBYoder) and Allison Mattheis for providing these categories from their Queer in STEM survey
_____Other (describe)
_____Do not wish to provide
And then adding
SEXUAL ORIENTATION (choose one or more)*
_____Other (describe)
_____Do not wish to provide
*UPDATED - thanks to Jeremy Yoder (@JBYoder) and Allison Mattheis for providing these categories from their Queer in STEM survey